Are you one of those people who has been caught up in downsizing and minimising your belongings? Thanks to popular books and shows, this has become quite the trend and it’s a good one, allowing you to live more peacefully in your home.
Here are a few tips to help you with your purging.
Be Ruthless
Now is not the time to wax sentimental. That ancient band shirt with moth holes everywhere? It needs to go, no matter how many memories it holds. The books people keep giving you but you will never read? Get rid of them. This is the perfect time to start eliminating all the unnecessary items from your home and your life.
Take Photos
Do you have papers and art that you’ve been saving since your children were small? It’s time to get rid of it. Take a photo and set up an album online that is dedicated to the images. Then get rid of the paper version.
Work One Space at a Time
Rather than start clearing out the garden shed, then moving to the kitchen, then to the bedroom, start in one space and clear it out completely before you move on. Forcing yourself to complete the job in one room before going to the next will help you avoid jumping from task to task and getting nothing done.
Get Rid of Things Immediately
Don’t let your ‘donate’ pile get too big before you eliminate it. It’s tempting to pull things back out of the piles if you’re not careful. It’s best if you have a place to dump it all on a regular basis. You might want to head to the donation centre daily, for example, in order to eliminate the temptation to keep anything. If you’re throwing stuff out, get rid of it right away.
Enlist Some Help
There’s no reason to do this on your own. Why not set up a group of friends who move from house to house, helping each other minimalize? Your friends will be far better about tossing things than you will be, since they have no emotional attachment.
Hire a Skip
When you’re doing a major cleansing of your home and garden, you need somewhere to put all that rubbish. Most home cleaners suggest getting rid of your unnecessary clutter as quickly as possible. That means tossing it in most cases, or donating it to a charity shop, rather than keeping it around to sell. A skip will let you eliminate quickly and you can get rid of everything, without worrying about how much space your rubbish bins have.
Are you joining the minimalist trend? Contact Graham Churchill Plant LTD today to arrange for skip hires.